Beatriz Oliveria
Beatriz started her journey as an athlete quite young. Like many Brazilians, she really enjoyed playing soccer. When she was 8, she joined the elementary school team, playing until high school, where she won a handful of medals. After joining the Federal University of Pernambuco back in 2010 for her undergrad studies in Biomedicine, she took a break from soccer due to a lack of time. She had a regular gym membership but would always go on and off.
Fast-forwarding to 2017, she had her first contact with CrossFit, and her first workout was the benchmark "Fran" (21-15-9 thrusters and pull-ups). At that time, she weighed 25 lbs less and could not do a single pull-up, nor did she know what a thruster was. However, because of the amazing coaches she had the chance to meet and the incredibly supportive community she found, she felt she belonged there. Today, Beatriz is in the best shape she's ever been in the past 31 years. Now she can certainly do more than 1 pull-up and also perform a thruster with a barbell loaded with more than her bodyweight. The Beatriz from younger years would never have imagined herself where she is today. Being at PHYT CLE Athletics as an athlete AND coach is 1000% her favorite hobby.
"The past 6 years taught me a lot about myself. Cross-functional fitness changed my life for the better, not only because I gained some muscles and ate healthier, but mainly because I started respecting my limitations more. No one learns a new skill overnight; you need to put an incredible amount of effort, fail a thousand times, and adapt when necessary. This is the daily life in a gym. However, this mindset can be easily carried over to our workplace and personal lives. Of course we want to see results, who doesn't? But if you really commit to your goals and respect the process, you will be unstoppable, and you won't even know how far you can go."

BSc. in Biomedicine, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Masters and PhD in Therapeutic Innovation, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Continuing Education
Postdoctoral fellowship in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (2021-2022)
Postdoctoral fellowship in Cellular Therapy and Precision Immuno-Oncology, Cleveland Clinic (2022-current)
CrossFit L1 (2023)
Athletic achievements
Multiple gold medals on soccer tournaments during elementary-high school (2000-2009)
Not really athletic but also won a local chess championship in Recife - Brazil (2006)